Human Resources Development
Sunchild First Nation believes our nations members have the dedication, perseverance, and commitment to effectively participate in Canada's economy.
Aboriginal Skills and Employment Training Strategy is a "Skills and Employment" in partnership with Yellowhead Tribal Development fund (YTDF) and three other nations including - O'chiese/Alexis/Alexander First Nations.
ISETS is designed to improve the employment opportunities of our nations members and assist members in delivering employment/training supports to the ready, willing and able work force community.
Services provided by Sunchild ISETS
- Safety ticket training
- Trades apprenticeship supports
- Driver's training
- Individual training
- Employment related costs
- Heavy Equipment operator training
- Security training
- Transportation services
- Completion bonuses
- Supports in resume/telephone use/job searching/fax/email
Sunchild ASETS with partnerships also offers various employment programs/trainings
- ISC Programs: First Nations Youth Employment Strategy, Income Assistance, First Nation Youth Employment (Target: Post-secondary/income assistance)
- Youth Employment and Skills Program, Agriculture and agri-foods Canada
- Canada Summer Jobs
- Alberta Labor immigration-Indigenous Partnerships: trainings includes HEO/Culinary Arts/Management/Class 4/Class 1/ Security training
- NAIT (Northern Alberta Institute of Technology) /SAIT (Southern Alberta Institute of Technology)
Sunchild Restaurant
- Sunchild’s restaurant is made up of a Culinary Arts Training with NAIT that took place in our new kitchen in Sunchild’s new community hall.
- Management with Shane Beston
ISETS/HRD Manager- Jessica Goodrunning
ISETS Data Clerk- Amelia Lagrelleo